Windsor Knot was shot in the then relatively new HDV format using the Sony HDV-Z1U camera, which was released in 2004. The HDV-Z1U could not shoot in 24p but was the first "prosumer" camcorder that could switch between NTSC (60 fields per second) and PAL (50 fields per second). Shooting in PAL (equivalent to 25 frames per second) allowed fairly easy non-destructive conversion to 24p, the rate used for movie film. The movie was shot in 1080i 50 (PAL) for later conversion to 24p to test this approach. The program was edited on Adobe Premiere Pro using the CineForm Aspect HD wavelet codec. Conversion to 24p was executed in After Effects. Two minutes of test footage from the short was blown up to 35mm film by DV Film, Austin Texas, and Heavy Light Digital, New York. The 35mm samples were screened in the Main Theatre at the North Carolina School of the Arts School of Filmmaking. Three experienced film DPs were invited to view the screening and evaluate the overall quality of the craft, the HDV format, and the quality of the film transfer. The results of this test was published in an extensive article in DV Magazine (Jan, 2006) and was featured in a special workshop at the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, DV Magazine has removed archival articles from its website and so the online version of the article is no longer available. A PDF version of the article is available here: HDV To Film: A Real-World Test